FYI: Did you know that Mohandas "Mahatma" K. Gandhi himself during his life in India was under constant surveillance? Yes, it's true. Below is a quote from The Essential Gandhi edited by Louis Fischer. A little wisdom from the Mahatma may be inspiring and something to think about when it comes to activism on our part, emphasis on bringing these crimes out into the open:
"I know I have achieved most satisfactory results from evolving the boldest of my plans in broad daylight. I have never lost a minute's peace for having detectives by my side. The public may not know I have been shadowed throughout my stay in India. That has not only not worried me but I have even taken friendly services from these gentlemen, many have apologized for having to shadow me. As a rule what I have spoken in their presence has already been published to the world. The result is that now I do not even notice the presence of these men and I do not know that the Government is much the wiser for having watched my movement through its secret agency.... Removal of secrecy brings about the full disappearance of the Secret Service without further effort..."
Source: The Essential Gandhi: An Anthology of His Writings On His Life, Work and Ideas edited by Louis Fischer. Chapter 11: Non-violence, Pg. 156.
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