Contributed By: (Aisha M.) Ati Hope (if you would like to contribute articles to the Inspire You Blog Posts section to help other Targeted Individuals, click here to contact us. )
I've thought a lot about the crimes of Organized Stalking and Electronic Assault, and what kept hitting me is just how much of the assaults as well as stalking is so heavily psychological in scope. From the criminals who both stalk me and attack my body with a NLW (microwave energy weapons are used against me a lot) it seems that one of the most targeted places is the psyche of the Targeted Individual.
One of the things I've noticed is that part of the harassment that occurs involves a lot of manipulation. It is about control in that aspect. When I put the manipulative behavior of these stalkers together with the psychological aspect of the harassment, one thing I kept noticing is this: if you have any existing or newly created emotional wounds, even ones that have come into being due to the covert harassment committed against you, to the best of your ability you need to heal those emotional wounds.
My experience has showed me that these criminals, though surveillance, will look for means to manipulate you further. If they notice a subject that may be "touchy" for you or something that you may react emotionally to, these criminals will attempt to use these existing emotional wounds to harass you further. More importantly, they COUNT ON those emotional wounds remaining open so this can be used to further their harassment campaign against you. It is just something that those who want to control you look to do. It is finding something these criminals interpret as a sign of "weakness" and if these criminals believe this will further the psychological harassment aspect as well as other aspects of the OS/EH against you, trust me that they will use it against you.
Why is this important? Because your mental health would be at stake.
A few examples of the manipulative games these criminals may try
I've thought a lot about the crimes of Organized Stalking and Electronic Assault, and what kept hitting me is just how much of the assaults as well as stalking is so heavily psychological in scope. From the criminals who both stalk me and attack my body with a NLW (microwave energy weapons are used against me a lot) it seems that one of the most targeted places is the psyche of the Targeted Individual.
One of the things I've noticed is that part of the harassment that occurs involves a lot of manipulation. It is about control in that aspect. When I put the manipulative behavior of these stalkers together with the psychological aspect of the harassment, one thing I kept noticing is this: if you have any existing or newly created emotional wounds, even ones that have come into being due to the covert harassment committed against you, to the best of your ability you need to heal those emotional wounds.
My experience has showed me that these criminals, though surveillance, will look for means to manipulate you further. If they notice a subject that may be "touchy" for you or something that you may react emotionally to, these criminals will attempt to use these existing emotional wounds to harass you further. More importantly, they COUNT ON those emotional wounds remaining open so this can be used to further their harassment campaign against you. It is just something that those who want to control you look to do. It is finding something these criminals interpret as a sign of "weakness" and if these criminals believe this will further the psychological harassment aspect as well as other aspects of the OS/EH against you, trust me that they will use it against you.
Why is this important? Because your mental health would be at stake.
A few examples of the manipulative games these criminals may try
- Example Scenario #1: You are fixing your own car (the fuel pump for example) and you make a small mistake---you have to take your car to the shop and pay an extra $100 than you would have if the job came out good. Until it is fixed your car will sit in the shop for the next two days. These criminals, taking from what they observed you doing through illegal means, sees that the mistake upset you and based on this decide to incorporate this incident into their staged events (street theater). You go outside to catch the bus to work since your car is in the shop and one of the perps (you recognize them by now) is outside "working" on their own car. He calls to you with a smirk on his face and asks you if you know how to fix a fuel pump, because it will cost at least $100 to fix theirs. The idea here is to manipulate a negative reaction from you, any wounded pride you may have over the mistake, maybe try to coerce you into deciding to come over and "give them a piece of your mind" ---- with plenty of witnesses (both these criminals and unaware strangers going about their business) to watch you discredit yourself over something that looks ordinary. The "gotcha?" Those not involved will see you overreact to that seemingly ordinary incident, and you will have destroyed some of your credibility, which that is what these criminals want (it is yet another way for them to continue the covert harassment more openly so they need you to discredit yourself) and it is with that incident that just occurred these criminals can use to spread their lies to uninvolved citizens to further the stalking and harassment campaign against you. The second "gotcha?" Despite what they try to tell you otherwise, these criminals have no personal interest in what happens to you, no real vested interest in it other than how it can further their very illegal activity. This was a staged event and you were expected to fall for it. See the staged event as not criminals who actually care about your mistake but who want to use what they illegally observed in the commission of these two crimes to manipulate you into discrediting yourself, as well as attempts to damage your mental health (your self-esteem is something that keeps you healthy---do whatever you can to keep it up)
- Example Scenario #2: You get into an argument with your spouse. You later are feeling guilty over what happened. These criminals, again through very illegal surveillance, decide to use this argument and add it to their harassment campaign by including it in their street theater the next time you step outside. It is basically the "shame on you" manipulative staged event that is used where these criminals act as if they are here together to pass judgement on something that, in reality, they do not care about---the argument you had with your spouse. But rather than see it for the gaslighting (deliberate process where the intention of a manipulator is to make you doubt your perception of reality), illegal, staged event with the intention that entrapment occurs (you become angry over genuine events, but because it is hard to prove, you would look as if you were mentally unstable to those not involved) that it is, the intention is to make you incensed at their "passing of judgment" on you for something they should not even know about, that they are attempting to "add insult to injury". Again, if you were to allow these criminals to fool you into believing this is nothing more than a staged event where you are expected to discredit yourself, then that is what happens---you discredit yourself. Again, they care nothing about the actual argument and to focus on their so-called "input" would be to ignore the main fact----violations of your human rights are what's occurring, not passing judgment on an argument they "happened to overhear." Not to mention their "input" is just to take your focus on what they are doing. Don't fall for it
- Scenario #3: Your car is out of the shop. Your garage door is out of order, so you decide to leave your car outside. In the morning on your way to work, you find noticeable scratches on your car. It might be dismissed as normal wear-and-tear by someone who can fix "cosmetic damage" like this, maybe you bumped your car and the zipper of your jacket scratched it. However a few new scratches, all light ones appear on your car each morning the garage door was out of order. It isn't giant scratches that would obviously look like a person meant to really tear up the paint job. But you recognize a new scratch each day in places you will see them. The following day, a neighbor is standing in their own driveway, and as you go to your car to leave for the day, he states loudly on the phone about losing his keys but finding then in the car, how he's always wanted to get a fresh paint job on his own car and "by the way, did you hear about the damage to that's guy's car?!" he busts out laughing, kind of in a joking mocking manner. Later at a local grocery store you always frequent, a few customers, some you vaguely recognize, are standing by you and begin talking about their car keys, how they are glad they found them and about taking their car into the shop because of little scratches they saw on it. In the parking lot while loading your groceries, one of those same customers is on the phone, stating that she is "glad she parks her car in the garage since she doesn't want some punk vandalizing it." And tells of how she woke up one morning and saw key stretches on her car before she goes to work (this is what happened to you each morning you parked your car outside at night till your garage door was fixed. In each of the incidences of street theater you were being pressured into discrediting yourself. Again these are staged events. One criminal vandalized your car each morning before you went to work and attempted to do street theater with that crime at its focus. If you keep your mind on the fact that vandalism occurred in the commission of organized stalking and electronic harassment rather than the content of their staged events/harassment skits, you will not take it personally. Remember the intention is to make you act crazy in public so you will be seen as the lies these perps purport you to be. Don't fall for it. Let these criminals maintain their own lies and just be cool.
- Other types of manipulative scenarios? They sound and/or feel a little something like
"If you're so tough, you'll...." aka I do not actually want to argue with you I want to manipulate you into giving me what I want.
"Prove to me you're a man/woman, do _______ and see if you last" aka I want you to bring "checker pieces" to a "chess match"---the manipulator wants you in a position to prove you're tough even those this manipulator has no intention whatsoever to match what you are doing, they are keeping what they plan to use to further intimidate and manipulate you further. For Targeted Individuals, it could be the manipulators attempting to manipulate you into proving you are tough by not taking care of your health, like exercising. Yet you know by experience that your exercising each day helps keep you physically and mentally health and it is that health benefit that has you holding up very good considering the stalking and harassment that is occurring around you. These criminals may see that it is that healthy habit that benefits you but makes their harassment campaign against you harder. The answer? A scenario that screams of that typical manipulative "You aren't so tough, I bet you could not face me without doing (this healthy activity) or (that healthy activity). Example: It would be like a competing manipulative runner telling another competing runner that preps for races by eating very healthy before a race that "they would not be so tough" without a healthy diet before a competition. That manipulator plans on doing the opposite of what they are daring you to go without and while you just lost the race because you "pigged-out" before your competition, the manipulator did exactly what you usually did for race prep and they won the race. The idea is you are supposed to lose. Don't fall for that manipulative "prove your worth to me" trap. Your automatic answer to yourself should be "of course I am going to do something healthy, because it is healthy. No explanation owed." Please do so.
All in all, when it comes to emotional wounds and the psychological aspect of the harassment and stalking campaigns and the importance of healing those wounds, you need to take this in. In addition to the fact that use of DEWS and/or NLWs are used against you, the covert harassment and stalking can damage your mind, body and spirit. The reality is that these are staged events. Even when it seems so personal, realize taht these peole have to be careful about how they do during these staged events because they would never have public approval of these crimes, especially if it all was done in the open. These criminals do not want exposure, and many times this "grand standing" is a front, meant to intimidate you and manipulate you. When it comes to staged events, all staged events, even when it is clear they are getting some joy out of what they do is just these criminals taking what they do not particularly care about at all (your emotional wounds) unless they believe what they observe can further their harassment and torture of you. That is it. Even when it seems so personal, that is it. So if you make a mistake and these criminals incorporate what they saw through their very real, very illegal surveillance, and then add it to their harassment skits, street theater or V2K, always see it for the fraudulent, gaslighting, staged and rehearsed illegal activity that it is. It is just some event you and only you are meant to recognize as the crime as it is. You are expected to discredit yourself. It is part of stimuli that these criminals want you to respond to in public as well as attempts to damage your mental health. And with that in-mind as you see these staged events occur, go on about your business in whatever form you need to.
Yes, very real violations of your privacy and your person are being violated. However these criminals count on being able to create emotional wounds. That may be inevitable, but what they count on the most in that respect is that these emotional wounds remain open and so they will try to deter any attempts you make to heal holistically. Why?
You can't rub salt in wounds that have healed.
In other words, they cannot take what they witnessed through illegal surveillance and use it to hurt you, since there is no wound to exploit for their criminal purposes.
Believe me, it is far better for your and your mental health to admit to God and to yourself that you are angry and to find healthy means to let it out (scream in a pillow, therapy with a therapist that understands TI's, etc.) and attempt to heal that wound than to fall for that manipulative game where you prove you can "tough it out" by not addressing your wounds. You need to keep in-mind--- they do not care at all about what emotional wounds you have, they just want the opportunity to take their salt and rub it into your wounds if it means that is yet another means to harass you. So heal those wounds. Find healthy releases for your stress. Exercise is definitely one. Yoga, meditation, relaxing music, playing a music instrument, screaming into a pillow, quiet time in the woods, driving in your car on the country road, online support groups, local Targeted Individual groups, etc. Even use your anger and channel it into a good time to do some activism work. Engage in dialogue with God and pray that God, however you understand this Higher Power, to give you the wisdom to handle this situation well. Ask God to help you leave your pride at the door.
Let the arrogance of these criminals and that "we've won" manipulative self-gratifying nonsense go on while you let out your frustrations healthfully. Trust that this is best for you in the long-run. And when you hear the propaganda of these criminals after you have let it out, see it as the attempt to keep you from healing your wounds that they are, and let that "salt" of theirs go to waste. Trust me nothing makes that arrogance become anger faster when, after the self-gratifying pat on the back these criminals give themselves they see that healthfully letting your anger out rather than being prideful benefits you both in the now (both physical and mental stress release) in the long-run and their manipulative game did not work. Let it all out, and be happy that you have the courage to both admit you are frustrated and be proud of yourself for finding healthy means to let it out. Get support and give yourself credit. That is showing strength, people, never let some criminal convince you otherwise.
Again, don't fall for that "look we're getting to you" nonsense, that is simply asking for you to get resentful and fall for those manipulative game. Simple answer: "No thanks, I'd rather be healthy than to fall for your manipulative games. I love myself and will take good care of myself." Please do.
And here is a good song to exercise and dance to to get all that physical stress out. Happy becoming healthier:
Yes, very real violations of your privacy and your person are being violated. However these criminals count on being able to create emotional wounds. That may be inevitable, but what they count on the most in that respect is that these emotional wounds remain open and so they will try to deter any attempts you make to heal holistically. Why?
You can't rub salt in wounds that have healed.
In other words, they cannot take what they witnessed through illegal surveillance and use it to hurt you, since there is no wound to exploit for their criminal purposes.
Believe me, it is far better for your and your mental health to admit to God and to yourself that you are angry and to find healthy means to let it out (scream in a pillow, therapy with a therapist that understands TI's, etc.) and attempt to heal that wound than to fall for that manipulative game where you prove you can "tough it out" by not addressing your wounds. You need to keep in-mind--- they do not care at all about what emotional wounds you have, they just want the opportunity to take their salt and rub it into your wounds if it means that is yet another means to harass you. So heal those wounds. Find healthy releases for your stress. Exercise is definitely one. Yoga, meditation, relaxing music, playing a music instrument, screaming into a pillow, quiet time in the woods, driving in your car on the country road, online support groups, local Targeted Individual groups, etc. Even use your anger and channel it into a good time to do some activism work. Engage in dialogue with God and pray that God, however you understand this Higher Power, to give you the wisdom to handle this situation well. Ask God to help you leave your pride at the door.
Let the arrogance of these criminals and that "we've won" manipulative self-gratifying nonsense go on while you let out your frustrations healthfully. Trust that this is best for you in the long-run. And when you hear the propaganda of these criminals after you have let it out, see it as the attempt to keep you from healing your wounds that they are, and let that "salt" of theirs go to waste. Trust me nothing makes that arrogance become anger faster when, after the self-gratifying pat on the back these criminals give themselves they see that healthfully letting your anger out rather than being prideful benefits you both in the now (both physical and mental stress release) in the long-run and their manipulative game did not work. Let it all out, and be happy that you have the courage to both admit you are frustrated and be proud of yourself for finding healthy means to let it out. Get support and give yourself credit. That is showing strength, people, never let some criminal convince you otherwise.
Again, don't fall for that "look we're getting to you" nonsense, that is simply asking for you to get resentful and fall for those manipulative game. Simple answer: "No thanks, I'd rather be healthy than to fall for your manipulative games. I love myself and will take good care of myself." Please do.
And here is a good song to exercise and dance to to get all that physical stress out. Happy becoming healthier:
"Move" by band MercyMe
"Move" by MercyMe
(I do not own this song, it belongs to this band.)
I'm not about to give up
Because I heard you say
There's gonna be brighter days
There's gonna be brighter days
I wont stop, Ill keep my head up
No, I'm not here to stay
There's gonna be brighter days
There's gonna be brighter days
I just might bend but wont break
As long as I can see your face
When life wont play along
And right keeps going wrong
And I cant seem to find my way
I know where I am found
So I wont let it drag me down
Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway
I'm gonna move (move)
I'm gonna move (move)
I'm gonna move (I'm gonna move)
Ive got to hold 'er steady
Keep my head in the game
Everything is about to change
Everything is about to change
This hurt is getting heavy
But I'm not about to cave
Everything is about to change
There's gonna be brighter days
I just might bend but wont break
As long as I can see your face
No matter what may come
Gotta move to a different drum
No matter what life brings
Gotta move gotta move to a different beat (x2)
I just might bend but wont break
As long as I can see your face
(Chorus) x2
All love and support.
-Contributed by: Aisha Madison (Ati Hope)